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Organizational Development Week 7 Discussion 2

Organizational Development Week 7 Discussion 2

Q Here is a questionnaire for you to take on your "Change Readiness". Provide feedback on how it relates to you and your style. Change_readiness_assessment_0426111.pdf

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Below are the results and my feedback on it. Resourcefulness – 25 I am satisfied with my score on this aspect. When confronted with a problem the obvious instinct is to go and try the conventional way but I do not get flustered if that doesn’t work. I do keep in hand other options and use them as well as required. Optimism – 20 Well the score is below the optimal level but in general I try to look at the positive side of things. However, I also keep an eye out for potential problems. I think I would like to call myself wary than a negative thinker.